Apologies for the slooow report.... I had to edit the video twice because my computer kept on cutting out in power. Still, it's done now and I do believe we have the mildest/calmest H&M/Designer collaboration on our hands (I can't speak for Roberto Cavalli's collab but I hear there were bitch slaps going on...). Blame it on the economic scare-mongering but the turnout was distinctly civlised, non-hysterical and in numbers, barely even touched that crazy queue that was going in Tokyo for the launch. No bad thing especially when designer x high street collaborations are hitting a brimming point with efforts being made to make them more interesting and ultimately enticing, and so in the spirit of pro-choice and all, you can pick and choose what you buy as opposed to feeling pressurised into buying SOMETHING just because it's a DESIGNER collaboration. Oh, and I'm a liar liar pants on fire, I did buy something...more on that later... for now here's the vid...