Despite San Fran being the foodie city that it is, I've been fairly good, as I've had a bit of an iffy stomach and not wanting to snack as much as I usually do in London. Instead though, my snacking vice has been transferred elsewhere...
The bloody high street. Fellow colleagues were eager to go to the Apple store in Union Square so nearby, I just couldn't stop myself and the high street fat girl inside of me was wanting to crawl out and grab plastic bags from the entire Oxford Street strip and dangle them on my arms in feverish excitement. I went into... H&M. Why god why?!? I don't even go to H&M when I'm in London because I can never find anything and because I never get the chance on weekends or weekdays. So yeah, I'm here for the full-on American experience and I head for frickin' H&M.... genuine American fare, y'all know!
As if that wasn't bad enough, afterwards, I headed for...Urban Outfitters. With exactly the same window layouts as the London stores and minus the designer garb that our Urb has, it is the exact same stock. When I saw French Connection across the street, I knew I had hit a high street snacking high that was equal to munching on three dirty bags of McCoys (chargrilled steak flavour....hmmmm) and guzzling two cans of Coke Zero. If I had ventured into FCUK, I might as well stick a label on my head saying "This fatty likes Cornish Pasties fried in lard...".
In my defense, and yes there is a defense strategy...the current currency, despite a bit of a dip still makes things cheaper to buy here AND...might I add... the H&M here seems to highlight the goodies better than the ones in London (but I might be talking total rubbish seeing as I last went into H&M in London a year ago).
So out came a lace-top from H&M and a dress that is supposed to be under/bodywear by Smack at UO. I'm looking down at the gut of high street snacking... I'm snapping out of it today, I promise, heading to Hayes Valley, Haight Street, Polk Street vintage shopping. No cornish pasty fattie here, I swear! (unless the Cornish Pasty Co. happen to have those lovely raspberry puffs that I just lurrve....)