I know this has nothing to do with Paris but I how could I resist when nude mesh and tons of square flattened folded rosettes that from a distance almost look like hexagons are involved. Especially when it's Fendi that is in question. It's quite a surprising turn but then again Fendi is one of those labels where people hold poor connontations in their head (double F logomainia etc...) when in reality, there's always been something a little interesting/bizarre/odd in their collections that goes against their bread and butter line of logoed goods...
I just wish I could dampen the pretty-prettiness of it all with a backcombed messy quiff because I'm pretty sure last time I attempted a quiff, there was a brush stuck in my hair and copious amounts of wasted hairspray to further damage this planet.
(Pics from Dazed Digital by Marco Coppola).