Gutted after finding out a pizza place we wanted to try out was closed, the boyf and I sauntered up Berwick Street towards Oxford Street, wanting to seek solace in Beard Papa's instead...
We walk past one of those non-descript, supremely cheesy/cheap clothing stores that litters the crap end of Oxford Street...
Me: Ok, is it me or is that pink dress in the window looking really nice....
Boyf: I'm thirsty, I need a drink....
Me: Seriously... those different layers of ruffles... that shade of pink... dear lord... I think I'm rather liking it...
Boyf: Ok, but if we're gonna go in there, it has to be a fast and sharp operation...
Me: Ok...we're going in, we're going in, oh dear lord, there's a guy fixing computers and mobile phones there...
Boyf: Don't lose sight of the target! Pink dress, pay, get out and then thirst quenching...
Me: Ok, ok ok *spots pink dress immediately*. comes in blue as well...
Boyf: Blue looks cheap. Pink is better.
Me: Ok, ok, ok... oh my god, it's £7! That's disgusting...
Boyf: The till is up there...
Me: *Wide eyed* The jewellery is £1 a piece or 7 pieces for £6... wow, this is very very mint (Susie Bubble language for 'It's so bad, it's cool...')...
Boyf: Pay!
Me: Wow... I haven't paid for a dress with cash in a while...
Boyf: Let's get out through the back door.
*We leave through the suspicous looking side door at the back*
Boyf: I think I could smell 'cheap' back there...
Me: I feel really really dirty... let's go to Beard Papa's and stuff ourselves with cream puffs just to go completely mental...
(Yes, I am REALLY rinsing the new Pierre Hardy x Louise Goldin ankle boots...)