Everyone knows that there are answers that you think you should say and the truthful answers that you want to hide away. In the numerous interviews that I've done, when people ask me what is my most treasured item in my closet, I don't really have one particular thing that I treasure the most but I flimsily say something like 1920's chinese kimono or my vintage Balenciaga coat. These answers have some element of truth in them but I don't think I will ever treasure an item as much as I did with my Levi's denim jacket which my dad bought for me in a vintage shop. Except if I said that now, people would be guffawing over the fact I said 'Denim Jacket'. But the truth is, when I was 13, I loved that jacket to bits and wore it to death. I'd layer it with lots of sweaters and scarves in the cold even though I should have been wearing a bulkier coat. I'd wear it inappropriately when the occasion called for smarter things. Being vintage, it was actually two sizes too big for me yet for some inexplicable reason, I loved loved loved it. Don't ask me why I felt a natty Levi's jacket was so empowering but for a 13 year old, I felt awesome so much so that I'd be bouncing around thinking 'Awesome' in my head in that 'Cecile from Cruel Intentions' chirpy bouncy way. Can anyone say sad? Sadly (or fortunately depending on your opinion on medium wash blue denim jackets...) the whereabouts of this jacket, I can't even tell you what with all the uni-moving etc.
Denim jacket memories were deeply buried and in any case, I never came across ones that made me feel that way ever since. The Topshop Moto ones which everyone bought for a while? Nah... Seeking out a similar vintage one? Too light and too tight (as hipster uniform dictates the way denim jackets should be....). Until the lovely Dree at Urban Collection sourced me a vintage Jordache jacket which was exactly the right shade and in addition has a few more bits and bobs to it - a belt assymetric front zips and zips on the sleeves which I promptly had to snap because at that very moment, waves of 13 year old me bouncing along with a high ponytail and listening to Blur on my discman washed over me.
Some denim jacket cliches which I love...
Using patterned tights to detract away from the supposed 'boring' stereotype of a denim jacket // A short flirty skirt with a denim jacket that says 'I'm casual but not a slob...'.
Ah... the lumberjack shirt and the denim jacket....'nuff said // Florals and denim jacket that a lot of Aaron Spelling TV show characters adopted for a while...