The magazine Man About Town was first modern consumer style magazine for men in the 1950's in UK and it later became the basis for FHM. Now we all know what the latter entails and I am in full disbelief that the UK male population are all content with having a lot of tits and arse with some poor dedicated fashion pages thrown at them. This simply can't be the case.
The variety and range of womenswear when compared fo menswear can be extended to magazines as well. When in Borders, the boyf can take 5 seconds to look to see what is out there for him whereas I can spend a good 5 minutes sussing out all the titles that are out (and this is ever-growing...). By all means, guys are welcome and do read magazines aimed at women but the number of magazines dedicated PURELY to the subject of sartorial elegance in menswear, touting the importance of style over flash in the pan trends, which in my opinion is something that is more of a consideration for guys than girls, because of the nature that menswear is sold; the publications are few and far between. Fantastic Man is well....pretty Fantastic and quirkily originates from Netherlands. Vogue L'Uomo, Homme International do the job but with an aim of pleasing everyone so can be quite all over the place.
However, the latest rag to hit the stands has taken the name of that 1950's magazine and has been reborn as 'Man About Town', a biannual journal for men featuring Ryan Rhilippe on their first issue. The boyf declared if a fiver well spent as it's quite thick and unlike Fantastic Man, has some glossy action going on in it. It's for the man who isn't after style direction or pointers but rather it assumes the reader is discerning and in the 'know'. An even mixture of arts, practicalities (e.g. the process of the tie) and editorial, if you do consider menswear mags to be a tad on the dry side, do try and pick this one up.